After 29 consecutive years of giving through payroll deduction, Sarah Hedeen was surprised to discover her gifts had added up to more than $10,000, making her an Honors Society member.
Sarah Hedeen barely remembers making her first gift in 1995. But her decision then to give $1 a paycheck to the Employee Crisis Assistance Program sparked a legacy of giving through the Sanford Health Foundation that has added up in a bigger way than she ever imagined.
Throughout her career at Sanford Health, Sarah, a registered nurse and clinical research manager, says she gradually increased her payroll deduction contributions as she could to support causes close to her heart.
“My truth is quite simple—I give because I can,” Sarah says. “I have been very fortunate in my life, but I know others who have not been as lucky. I want to help others who are going through difficult situations.”
For Sarah, giving felt like the right thing to do. She never expected recognition—so it came as a surprise when she was recently welcomed into the Foundation’s Honors Society. The Society is a circle of among the Foundation’s most generous donors who have given $10,000 or more.
“My first thought was that I had no idea how that was possible as I did not think that my contributions were very much,” Sarah explains. “Since I give by payroll deduction, I honestly do not even think about it or notice it.”
Today, Sarah continues to give and do more good around her. She hopes to inspire others to do the same.
“I love being able to contribute to something that has the power to impact people in a very meaningful way,” she says. “My contributions every paycheck may not seem like much on their own, however, over time and combined with contributions from others, my dollars have the potential to impact someone’s life in a very profound way.
“One of my favorite quotes about giving is by Kathy Calvin, who said, ‘Giving is not just about making a donation. It is about making a difference.’”

How to give through payroll deduction
All Sanford employees are invited to give through payroll deduction.
Simply log in to your personal employee giving dashboard to get started. Your gift of any amount will automatically be deducted from each paycheck to support the cause of your choice.
Take pride knowing that 100% of every dollar will directly support our Sanford Family, our patients and our communities in meaningful ways you can see and feel.
Learn more about Sanford’s culture of giving at